For this reason, King Realty offers the benefit of complete turn-key services including location of appropriate space, design and construction, furniture systems, phone systems and move management.
By serving as an “in-house” real estate department, King Realty puts an immediate 35 years of experience to work for you. You get a professional assessment of your current facilities use and your growth potential. Experts analyze your space and location needs. Your search is, therefore, clearly focused and highly efficient.
You’ll confidently make final selection from the best of the available options, because you’ll be working from a comprehensive cost/benefit analysis – one that includes life-cycle and fit-up costs for each perspective property.
Once you’ve selected, we’ll prepare a lease and negotiate on your behalf, under your ultimate authority, so you get terms that best suit your operation. Your final choice, with the added security of our experience, expertise and specialized local knowledge, will be a decision your employees and shareholders will respond positively to.